Longan International Holdings, LLC specializes in facilitating business alliances between Chinese and foreign companies. 龙安国际集团、立足于中国专注于中国公司同外国公司商业联盟的促进
Longan International's Services Include: 龙安国际集团服务范围:
  • Market Research & Evaluation
  • International Business Development & Market Entry
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Operations Analysis & Evaluation
  • Organizational Development & Management Assessment
  • Management Training & Development
  • Translating and Interpreting
  • Construction Consulting
  • 市场调研及评估
  • 国际商务发展及市场策划
  • 商务战略联盟
  • 运作分析及评估
  • 组织发展及经营估算
  • 经营管理培训及发展
  • 文案翻译及口译
  • 工程建筑咨询
For Our Chinese Clients 对于我们的国内客户
Longan International represents Chinese businesses interested in expanding globally.  The globalization of an established Chinese entity can take many forms, e.g., acting as a buyer, supplier, or a domestic distributor of a multinational corporation’s product within China or setting up operations in a foreign country.  A Chinese client can also act as the joint venture partner in China for a multinational corporation. 龙安国际集团能够体现中国商业贸易在全球的投资发展方向。著有成效的中国的企业实体实施全球化发展战略有着不同的形式、如作为进货商、供应商、外方跨国公司在中国国内的行销商、或者是建立国外经营体系、同时中国的公司也可以加入跨国公司在国内的风险投资合作领域。
Aligning Chinese business with compatible international interests serves to strengthen the business of both the Chinese and multinational companies.  At Longan International we are dedicated to creating and developing such relationships. 龙安国际集团立足于为我们中国国内企业和跨国公司之间建立友好合作关系、架起一座通向成功企业的商业贸易的桥梁。
For Our Foreign Clients 对于我们的外方客户
For our multinational business clients interested in establishing, expanding, or redefining their operations in China, we approach the China market from within.  We are committed to maintaining strong relationships with the Chinese government and enterprises, keeping abreast of trends in the rapidly changing Chinese economy, and applying that knowledge to give our clients a competitive edge in today’s Chinese market. 对于想在中国建立、扩展或者重新定位经营方向的跨国公司、我们将帮助他们深入中国市场的内部。我们负责保持和中国政府及企业的深厚交往、与快速发展的中国经济保持同步。我们将用竭诚的服务协助我们的客户成为当前中国市场中的强有力的竞争者。
In the initial phases of entering the Chinese market or expanding existing operations, we assist clients with in-depth market evaluation of the viability of a product or service. 在进入中国市场的初始、或者是准备在现有的机构上进入进一步发展的阶段、我们将为我们的客户的产品或服务做深入市场内部的分析评估。
We assist our clients in evaluating their options of entry:  Chinese-Foreign Cooperative or Equity Joint Venture Partnerships, Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE), or bidding on a proposed project.  We manage the establishment of an entry vehicle and guide the client through the necessary registration processes and requirements.  Once the client has entered the Chinese market, we assist in establishing distribution channels and networks, monitoring government and regulatory requirements, and developing the organizational infrastructure to ensure the business venture’s success. 我们将协助客户评估他们的项目:中外合资公司或者是风险投资伙伴、外方独资企业、或者项目投标方。我们将安排并指导我们的客户通过一些必须的注册登记手续。当我们的客户进入中国市场以后、我们则协助建立销售渠道和网络、关注政府的动向并调整需求、同时还要发展完善其组织机构及基本设施、确保客户在商业投资上的成功。
Market Research 市场调研
Before deciding to enter or expand into a new area of the Chinese market, it is essential to do market research in China, and thorough market research on the conditions of a specific industry.  Longan International can assist in profiling the targeted consumer, determining the level of consumer demand, projecting future growth of demand, and identifying geographical areas of China that would provide the easiest access to the consumer base. Longan International can also provide competitive analyses to give the client a picture of current market dynamics. 在做出进入或进一步在中国市场上发展的决定之前、很关键的一步就是进行对中国市场的研究,而完全彻底的研究又取决于行业上的细致入微的问题。龙安顾问有限公司能够从消费者着手、分析决定消费者的需求水平、计划未来的需求增长、并且按照中国不同的地理位置为我们的客户提供一条通向消费者的捷径。龙安国际集团同时能够为我们的客户提供当前最新市场信息和市场动态的调研和数据分析报告。
Our Market Research Services include: 我们的市场研究服务项目:
  • Industry specific economic data
  • Demographic analyses of consumers
  • Competitive analyses (China generally or regional specific overviews)
  • Survey of consumer demand in targeted locations
  • Survey of current product/service availability
  • Regulatory incentives or barriers to entry
  • Restrictions on industry specific foreign participation
  • 行业细节经济数据
  • 消费者人口分析
  • 同行业竞争对手分析(中国总体的及地区的细节概观)
  • 特定地区的客户需求调研
  • 纵览当前的产品/服务实效性
  • 调整方向并清除入口障碍
  • 外方参与者在行业细节的限制
Market Entry 市场策划
Upon making a determination whether a specific market will support a product or service, a thorough analysis of the most effective means of entry is necessary.  Is a Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Venture the strategy for entering the market?  Should your company establish itself as a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE)?  Is your company looking for Build Operate Transfer (BOT) opportunities?  What location will provide the best infrastructure with convenient access to either export facilities or the domestic market?   在做出市场行情是否支持产品或服务的决定之前、对于一个切入点、进行恰当的、完全有效的分析是很有必要的。您是一家正准备进入市场的中外合资风险投资公司吗?您的公司准备在成立的时候成为外方独资企业吗?您的公司正在寻找工程建筑良机吗?我们能够为您们奠定最好的基础、并且提供为您提供一条作为出口商贸产品或是进入国内市场的便捷通道。
Longan International will provide a recommended Entry Package: 龙安国际集团将提供以下推荐条目:
  • Analysis of various investment options
  • Comparison of best suited locations
  • Detailed report of existing local distribution networks
  • Outline of investment incentives in targeted locations
  • Analysis of local and provincial government support in designated areas of China
  • 不同的投资选项分析
  • 最适合地方的项目比较
  • 就现有行销网络的详细报告
  • 特定区域投资鼓励政策概要
  • 中国地方政府指定的开发区域的分析
Strategic Alliances 战略联盟
Many multinationals choose to align themselves with a Chinese partner for some aspect of their business, even if they choose to operate as Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise.  For instance, companies may need a partner for manufacturing, processing or distribution of their product.  Longan  International assists clients with identifying and profiling potential partners, assessing market strengths and weakness of a potential partner, and compatibility interest levels of a potential partner. 许多的跨国公司、即使他们是外商独资企业、也会在商务贸易领域中选择一些中方的合作伙伴。例如、有的公司需要一个制造业方面的合作方、有的公司需要一个生产加工的合作方、而有的公司需要一个行销其产品的合作方。龙安顾问有限公司将协助客户寻找潜在的合作伙伴、评估合作方在市场上力量的强弱以及其兼容程度。